Crafting Quality.

Brewing the Future of Non-Alcoholic Beer.

Promoting Qatari Industries

Goodies is a new factory and warehouse owning a few local brands and targeting to be the top distributor of premium drinks in Qatar and the region. The main targets at this stage are premium nonalcoholic beer and spirits. We own a few distribution outlets and we have a great relationship with local distributors.

We are looking for stable innovative producers who are interested in partnering with international colleagues to expand their reach.

Our Local Product Tornado™

Tornado™ is a new premium non-alcoholic beer/malt drink with ingredients from Germany. Developed and first produced in California USA. With different flavors, standard, extra aroma, lemon, apple, cardamom and dates.

Promoting Qatari Industries

The benefits of products that are "Made in Qatar" can extend to various aspects of the economy, society, and the country as a whole.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.